We are excited to announce because of our successful Black Friday event – we wanted to give you another opportunity to work with us.
We are offering you the opportunity to choose ONE lesson:
- Creative writing
- Transactional Writing: Articles
- Language and Structure
- Unseen poetry
This is an EXACT lesson from Uplevel Academy’s Exclusive Learning Portal, so we know this is invaluable because of the results of our students.
What will I get?
You will then have the opportunity to:
- Watch the lesson
- Complete an assessment
- Book a session with me, Kellie McCord, to go through your exam paper!
How do I get started?
You can get started for just £17! However, this will only be available for the next 24 hours. because spaces are limited due to the extensive feedback on offer.
Creative writing:
Language and Structure Analysis:
Transactional Writing:…
What will happen next?